The River Ridge Commerce Center and the State of Indiana offer competitive financial incentives for businesses located here. Programs are customized and comprehensive to support River Ridge companies in a positive business environment. Indiana is business-friendly with a declining corporate tax, a low, flat personal income tax, no gross receipts tax and no inventory taxes.

Incentives and Tax Policies for a Low Cost of Business

The River Ridge Development Authority serves as the commerce center’s reuse authority that is charged with creating a competitive environment for businesses locating here. The Development Authority coordinates or constructs all required utilities to site and offers a property tax incentive through the Urban Enterprise Zone (UEZ) program. Click here to view UEZ FACT SHEET

The Development Authority team is well-versed in state incentive programs through the Indiana Economic Development Corporation, including Economic Development for a Growing Economy (EDGE) tax credits, Hoosier Business Investment tax credits (HBI) and the Skills Enhancement Fund (SEF), among others.